Thursday, March 11, 2010

Making a Healthier Community

On Columbus' South side, the 43206 Zip Code has the highest rate of diabetes in America. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Ohio, and obesity rates for Ohio are high. Our communities are in dire need of a health resuscitation. Right now, multiple lifestyle-change and medical efforts are working to improve health on the South side.

The Charitable Pharmacy of Central Ohio
Those who are poor often have the worst health and suffer the most. Most people are unaware that there is a gap in prescription drug coverage. 146,000 Franklin County adults aged 18 to 64 went without needed prescriptions in 2008, a 40% increase from 2004.
This doesn't even count a significant cost gap for low income elderly folks who are on Medicare.

Yesterday I attended the Open House for the
Charitable Pharmacy of Central Ohio at Livingston Avenue United Methodist Church. Its primary purpose is to be a “bridge” pharmacy to increase access to affordable prescription drugs for low income, uninsured and underinsured individuals who experience gaps with insurance coverage and/or challenges in accessing medications through other available programs.

Access Health and the United Methodist Church, The Livingston Ave. UMC and Community Development for All People (CDC) partnered to make this happen, with funding from a variety of sources including Rosati Windows, Nationwide Children's Hospital, The Columbus Foundation and many more. Ongoing donations and volunteers are needed to make this a success.

More Healthy Community Ventures

In addition to the Charitable Pharmacy, these other health ventures were already underway:
The Couch Potato Workout
You might be wondering what a "Couch Potato Workout" is and why Governor Strickland is offering it.
Oops! Wrong Governor!

This "Governor" is Gregg Peerson, a well-known talented drummer who plays with The All People Band. Shortly after Gregg started playing with our band, he came to me and said he had a workout that anyone with any disability could do. Gregg was a fitness instructor at the YWCA for many years. During Free Store hours on Wednesday afternoon, he has volunteered his time to lead his "Couch Potato Workout" free for those waiting to shop.

I'm sure we're all well aware that medical care and prescription coverage are only half the battle. Lifestyle changes are critical to combat obesity, diabetes and heart disease. I've done Gregg's workout a few times and it is fun and easy. It literally can be done sitting down, but strengthens arms, legs and core muscles.

Gregg is now trying to expand this ministry by making a video of his workout. He wants to make this available to individuals but also to companies, churches and non-profits who are interested in improving fitness. The video will cost about $800 to make. He is taking pre-orders for $20 per video to raise the necessary funds to make the video. There is a money back guarantee on the video as well so if you order it and don't like it, he'll give you your money back. I'm going to pitch in $40.00. If you are interested in helping Gregg out with this venture, please email me at No cash outlay is required right now. He'll wait until he has enough pre-orders to fund the video. I can vouch for Gregg and I'm interested in expanding this great ministry.

I'm making commitment to live healthier and help my neighbors, too and invite you to take part as well.

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